Compatible with Windows PCs Running Internet Explorer or FireFox or Chrome
Yes Faithful Steward Web is completely compatible with Windows computers. Any PC
running Windows Vista or later (that includes Windows Vista,
Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 2008 R2, Windows 8, Windows 2012, Windows 2012 R2, Windows 8.1, Windows 2014, Windows 10/11), FireFox
2.5.x or later, or Google Chrome is fully supported. For as low as $20 a month, Faithful Steward Web
can assist you by letting you manage your church information on your Windows PC
from your browser. Get a Faithful Steward Web account for your PC today!
Can I share information with Macs?
There's no need to worry if your staff member or volunteer that needs to use Faithful
Steward Web is using a Mac even though you're using a PC. Faithful Steward Web is
also compatible with Macs running the Safari browser.
Overall the application runs very much the same no matter which operating system
or computer you're using.
What do I do if my PC dies?
There's no reason to worry if you have a PC that gets a virus or spyware and has
to be in the shop or have it's hard disk reformatted. Remember that the Faithful
Steward Web program and your data is stored on our servers not on your local machine.
If you have a replacement PC or Mac, you can be up
and going in minutes by just opening up the browser in the other computer and continuing
to use the application.
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