Custom Solutions Make Full Use of Your Investment
Microsoft Windows and the Macintosh has been designed to insulate people from the
technical complexities characteristic of computing, making it possible
for them to concentrate on the task they need to get done - not on the
tool they're using to do it. It's intuitive user-interface and consistent
commands allow people to get up to speed on virtually any application
they need to use.
And now, with Diakonia's custom database solutions, people can extend their reach
into other areas that contain their organization's collective body of
information. Our goal is to make it easier for you to make the decisions
you need to stay a step ahead - by having the information you need, when
you need it, wherever you are.
I had used my computer for over four years to compile management statistical
information. It took me three full days to generate these graphs using
my computer. Although my final product looked impressive, I was spending
too much time generating the information. What used to take me most of
a week to complete, Diakonia's custom software does in minutes! I now
spend more time getting new business, and talking to customers, not doing
tedious paperwork.
Bob Pollock WVAB
Diakonia approaches software and website design with the same design philosophy that characterizes
the Graphic User-Interface operating systems. The goal is to allow users
to work directly and intuitively with the information they need, whether
it resides locally, on a network, on a departmental computer or on a remote
host. Our desire is to inspire creative decision making and timely problem
solving by providing superior, consistent tools for accessing, enhancing,
and sharing information, regardless of it's location.
Delivered Solutions
Some of our custom programs in use today include:
- Document Management Systems
- Automated Overtime Callout Systems
- Automated Voice Response Systems
- Credit Card Online Authorization
- Customer Satisfaction Index
- Customer Service Tracking
- Customer Relationship Management
- Data Replication for Multiple Sites
- Executive Dashboards with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- HIPPA Search of Medical Information
- Human Resources with Union Contracts
- Mail Order Tracking and Fulfillment
- Non-Profit Management
- Property Management
- Service Repair Administration
- Service Time and Billing
- Telecom Long Distance Service Management
- Video Overlay for Factory Quality Assurance
- Warehouse Inventory System
- Waste Management
- Website E-commerce/shoppingcart applications
- Wholesale Distribution
Integrating Data With Other Computer Systems
As your company grows, you often find yourself inundated with data - from
many sources. The challenge you face is turning this incredible quantity
of data into the type of quality information you need to make informed,
timely, and accurate decisions.
I start working on my customer satisfaction reports, I first use the "download"
feature of my custom software package by Diakonia. It automatically transfers
all of the information I need from our other computer system so that all
Ihave to do is call customers and track their information.
Bob Pollock WVAB
Cost Effective Solutions
As software engineers, we recognize that it is not enough for a solution
to simply be effective, it must be cost effective. Custom solutions that
work the way you work, and can change with your needs, will save immeasurable
time and increase your job satisfaction. Although a custom program frequently
has a higher initial cost than it's off-the-shelf counterpart, it results
in software that really does pay for itself, many times over.
Custom software can also integrate your information with the other applications you already
know and use including: word processing software for form letters, spreadsheet
software for charting and analyzing numerical data, and editing and collecting
images. Imagine how easy it would be to work all in one custom and easy
to use application that is custom tailored for the way you do business.
Our staff is trained to program solutions for both Windows and Macintosh
platforms using a variety of languages and tools.
Languages and Technologies
Below is a list of some of the languages and technologies that our staff has
experienced working with to deliver custom programmed solutions to clients:
- Active Directory
- Active Reports.NET
- Applescript
- ASP Classic
- Basic
- C++
- C++ Builder
- C#
- Citrix/Microsoft Terminal Services
- Crystal Reports
- CSS Cascading Stylesheets
- DB2 by IBM
- Delphi
- Dot Net Framework
- Dreamweaver
- E-Commerce
- EasyMail.NET
- Exceletel Teletools
- Express Quantum Grid
- FrontPage
- FTP File Transfer Protocol
- HTML Hypertext Markup Language
- Indy Components
- Interbase
- Interbase Replication (IBReplicator)
- Infragistics UltraWinGrid
- JavaScript
- LINQ Language Integrated Query
- QuickBooks Integration
- Mac OS
- MAPI Microsoft Mail API
- Microsoft Excel Integration
- Microsoft Excel XMLSS
- Microsoft Word Integration
- MKS Integrity Source Control
- NAnt
- Object Pascal
- OOP Object Oriented Programming
- Peachtree Integration
- PhonePro Integration
- PVCS Source Control
- Rave Reports
- RAS Windows Remote Access Services
- Remoting, Dot Net Remoting
- SEO Techniques (Keyword Targeting, Page Optimization, Dynamic Sitemaps, URL Rewriting)
- Serial Port Communications
- Sharepoint/Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server/MOSS
- Sharepoint Business Data Catalog
- Sharepoint Enterprise Search (Sharepoint/MOSS)
- Sharepoint WebParts
- SQL Server (T-SQL, SQL Statements, Stored Procedures, Triggers)
- SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)
- SQL Server Report Services (SSRS)
- Source Off-site toolkit for Visual Sourcesafe
- TAPI Microsoft Telephony API
- Visual Basic
- Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
- Visual Basic.NET (VB.NET)
- Visual FoxPro (VFP)
- Visual SourceSafe
- Visual Studio.NET
- SOAP/Web Services/SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)
- Win32 API
- Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista
- Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
- Windows Forms Applications
- Windows Installer
- Windows Services
- Wise Installer
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