Wesleyan Heritage CD


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Adam Clarke 6 vol. set*
J. Agar Beet 5 vol. set*
John Fletcher's Works 4 vol. set
William Godbey 7 vol. set
John Wesley 4 vol. set*
Wesley's 141 Sermons

Other Books:

Aman, Wayne C.: Cross and Crown of Holiness • Fountains & Rivers of Holiness
Amaya, Ismael E.: This Is Entire Sanctification
Anderson, Tony Marshall: Prayer Availeth Much
Anonymous: Fletcher, John, Biography
Arthur, William: Tongue of Fire, The
Aycock, Jarrette: Drawing The Net • Your Questions Answered
Ayres, Samuel Gardiner: Methodist Heroes of Other Days
Baldwin, Harmon Allen: Holiness and the Human Element • Objections to Holiness Considered
Bangs, Nathan: Bangs Sketches - Two Sermons • History of the M. E. Church, A, Vol. I, II, III, IV • Life of Freeborn Garrettson
Belew, Pascal Perry: My Old Kentucky Home
Benner, Hugh C.: Singing Disciples
Bennett, W. G.: Pentecost, Its Scope, Power and Perpetuation
Bevington, Guy C.: Remarkable Incidents
Bingham, Helen E.: Irish Saint, An (Holy Ann)
Binney, Amos: Binney's Theological Compend
Black, E. W.: Where Are The Dead?
Boardman, L. S.: More Excellent Way, The (Marriage) • Three Gospel-Teaching Stories • Three Sunday School Lessons • Twenty-Four Sermons • Scriptural Death-Route Holiness • Warnings To Church Leaders
Boone, W. Lester: Good Enough For The Preacher
Bounds, Edward M.: Essentials of Prayer, The • Heaven A Place, A City, A Home • Necessity of Prayer, The • Possibilities of Prayer, The • Power Through Prayer •  Prayer and Praying Men • Purpose in Prayer • Reality of Prayer, The • Weapon of Prayer, The
Brandyberry, Lida: Forks of the Road, The
Brengle, Samuel Logan: Ancient Prophets • Guest of the Soul, The • Heart Talks on Holiness • Helps To Holiness • Love Slaves • Soulwinner's Secret, The • Way of Holiness, The
Bresee, Phineas Franklin: Sermons
Brockett, Henry: Riches of Holiness, The
Brooks, John R.: Scriptural Sanctification
Brother Lawrence: Practice of the Presence of God, The
Brown, Charles Ewing: Meaning of Salvation, The • Meaning of Sanctification, The
Brown, Kenneth O.: Sketch Of Milton L. Haney
Browning, Raymond: God's Melting Pot (Sermon Rom. 8:28) • Healing Shadow, The
Bryant, Walter: Meditations From The Word
Budensiek, David: Bible Standards
Burke, William: Autobiography
Bustin, Gerald Tolbert: My First Fifty Years
Butler, Charles William: Holiness Manifesto, A
Campbell, L. M.: Witnesses to the Doctrine of Holiness
Carradine, Beverly: Altar Service, The • Autobiographical Sketch • Better Way, The • Beulah Land • Bible Characters • Bottle, The • Box of Treasure, A • Bundle of Arrows, A • Church Entertainments • Gems From A Journey • Gideon • Golden Sheaves • Graphic Scenes • Heart Talks • Jesus, Our Shepherd • Jonah • Journey to Palestine, A • Living Illustrations •  Lottery, The • Old Man, The •  Pastoral Sketches • Pen Pictures • Pentecostal Sanctification • People I Have Met • Remarkable Occurrences • Revival Incidents • Revival Sermons • Sanctification • Sanctified Life, The • Second Blessing in Symbol, The • Secret Societies • Soul Help
Carvosso, William: Autobiography
Chadwick, Samuel: Call to Holiness, The (Tract) • Only Way To Victory, The
Chalfant, Morris: Trademarks of the Holiness Pioneers
Chapman, J. Wilbur: Present Day Parables (Illustrations)
Chapman, James Blaine: All Out For Souls • Bud Robinson, A Brother Beloved • Camp Meeting Sermons • Christ and The Bible • Christian, What It Means To Be One, A • Holiness Triumphant • Holiness, Heart of Christian Experience • My Wife (Maud Frederick Chapman) • Nazarene Primer • Religion and Everyday Life • Singing in the Shadows • Some Estimates of Life • Terminology of Holiness, The • Touch of Jesus, The • With Chapman at Camp Meeting • Your Life, Make the Most of It
Chism, Fairy: Tips To Christians
Clarke, Adam: Autobiography • Clavis Biblica • Entire Sanctification • Letter to a Preacher, A • Memoirs of the Wesley Family • Salvation by Faith
Coke, Thomas: Coke on the Ministry
Cook, Joseph E.: William Moses Tidwell - A life That Counted
Cook, Thomas: New Testament Holiness
Corbett, C. T.: Bud Robinson Stories • Pioneer Nazarenes • Soldier Of The Cross, (The Life of Joseph Grant Morrison)
Corderoy, Edward: Father Reeves, The Methodist Class Leader
Corlett, D. Shelby: ABC's of Christian Doctrine • ABC's of Holiness, The • Baptism with The Holy Ghost, The • Christian Sabbath, The • Holiness, The Central Purpose of Redemption • Meaning of Christian Security, The • Meaning of Holiness, The • Spirit Filled Life of J. B. Chapman, The • Symbols of Pentecost
Corlett, Lewis Thomas: Holiness in Practical Living
Cornell, C. E.: Joy For Mourning
Coryell, Ernest: Autobiography
Coward, Eric: Brick and the Book, The
Crockett, O. B.: Major Spiritual Awakenings
Culpepper, John B.: Malice
Damon, C. M.: Sketches and Incidents
Davies, Edward: Life of William Taylor, The
Davis, David Adam: My Life and Writings
Davis, Henry Turner: Coals From The Altar • Shining Way, The
DeLong, Russell Victor: Present Challenge, The • There Are No Moral Accidents • Unique Galilean, The
Dempster, Joseph S.: From Romanism to Pentecost
Dodd, Elbert: Gospel Messages For Today • Old Time Gospel Messages
Drinkhouse, Edward J.: History of Methodist Reform
Earle, Ralph: Quest of The Spirit, The
Eckart, Mark: Presentation of Perfection, A
Elliott, Harry J.: From Sinking Sands
Erdmann, H. A.: Carnal Mind And The Cure For It, The • Office Work of The Holy Spirit
Etheridge, John Wesley: Life of The Rev. Adam Clarke, The
Fergerson, Edward A.: Gold From God's Mint
Ffirth, John: Experience and Gospel Labor of the Rev. Benjamin Abbott
Finch, O. J.: Triumphant in Temptation
Finch, Ralph G.: My Early Years and Five Revival Sermons
Finley, James B.: Sketches of Western Methodism
Finney, Charles G.: Enduement Of Power, The • Lectures to Professing Christians
Fisher, C. William: It's Revival We Need! • Our Heritage and Our Hope • Time Is Now!, The
Fitkin, Susan: Grace Much More Abounding
Fleming, John and Bona: Truth on Fire
Fletcher, John: Fletcher on Christian Perfection
Ford, Luella: God's "Ford" On The Go
Foster, Randolph Sinks: Christian Purity
French, H. Robb: If I Knew I Was Going To Die Today • What It Takes To Make An Ideal Home
Fugett, C. B.: My Life Story • Sunny Side of Life, The
Galloway, J. B.: Study Of Holiness From the Early Church Fathers, A
Girvin, Ernest A.: Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel
Godbey, William Baxter: Altar, The • Annihilation • Autobiography • Family Government God's Triple Leadership • Holiness or Hell • My Better Half • Repentance • Sinequanon • Spiritual Pauperism
Goodwin, John Wesley: Secret Place of Prayer, The
Gorrie, P. Douglass: Lives of Eminent Methodist Ministers, The
Gray, Joseph: Double Cure, The • Open Fountain, The
Greathouse, William M.: Fullness of the Spirit, The
Griffith, Glenn: Challenge of This Tragic Hour, The • Fire of God, The
Guyon, Madame: Autobiography
Hames, John Marvin: Bouquet of Graces, A • Christ Enthroned Within • Convert's Homeward Guide, The • Deeper Things • Fragrance From Beulah Land • Glory Departed, The • How To Keep Sweet • Sunrisen Blessing
Haney, Milton Lorenzo: Impatience, and Its Remedy • Inheritance Restored, The • Pentecostal Possibilities
Hatfield, John Thomas: Thirty-three Years A Live Wire
Hawley, S. P.: Running From God
Helms, Elmer Ellsworth: God In History
Hibbard, F. G.: Biography of M. E. Bishop Leonidas Lent Hamline (Selections)
Hicks, Lawrence B.: There Must Be A Heaven Somewhere
Hills, A. M.: Dying to Live • Establishing Grace, The • Hero Of Faith And Prayer - M. W. Knapp Biography • Holiness and Power •  Pentecostal Light • Phineas F. Bresee, D.D., A Life Sketch • Secret of Spiritual Power, The •  Uttermost Salvation, The
Hodge, Elliot: Short Sketch Of My Life, A
Hogue, Wilson Thomas: Class Meeting, A Means of Grace, The • First-Day Sabbath, The
Hooker, H. H.: Endless Retribution
Howland, Carl L.: Proofs of Inspiration
Inskip, John S.: Holiness Miscellany
Jackson, Thomas: Lives of Early Methodist Preachers, Vol. I - VI, The • Memoir of John Brownell, A
Jernigan, C. B.: Entire Sanctification • From the Prairie Schooner to a City Flat • Pioneer Days of the Holiness Movement, etc.
Jernigan, Johnny & Margaret: Courageous Jernigan
Jernigan, Mrs. Jonnie: Redeemed Through The Blood
Jessop, Harry Edward: Heritage of Holiness, The • We, The Holiness People
Johnson, A. G.: Winners or Losers at Personal Soulwinning
Jones, Lum: Enlargement of Hell, The
Keen, Mary P.: Memorial Papers
Keen, Samuel Ashton: Faith Papers • Pentecostal Papers • Pentecostal Sanctification •  Praise Papers • Salvation Papers
Knapp, Martin Wells: Double Cure, The • Impressions • Lightning Bolts From Pentecostal Skies • Out of Egypt Into Canaan • Revival Kindlings • Revival Tornadoes
Kulp, George Brubaker: Callused Knees, The • Departed Lord, The • Nuggets of Gold • Truths That Transfigure • Voice From Eternity, A
Law, William: Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, A • Grounds and Reasons of Christian Regeneration, The • Of Justification By Faith and Works • Spirit of Love, The • Spirit of Prayer, The •  Way of Divine Knowlege, The
Lednum, John: History of The Rise of Methodism in America, A
Lee, Jesse: Short History of the Methodists (1766-1809), A
Lincicome, Forman: Behold The Man • Doubles of the Bible, The • Enemies of the Home • Lot in Sodom, A • Soul, The •  Three D's of the Sanctified, The • Tribute To Mothers, A • World's Greatest, The • What Is Your Life?
Lown, A. J.: Your Purse and You
Lowrey, Asbury: Possibilities of Grace
Lunn, M.: Treasures in Heaven
Mahan, Asa: Baptism of the Holy Ghost, The
Mallalieu, Willard F.: Fullness of the Blessing, The
Mantle, J. Gregory: Way of the Cross, The
Marsh, Elmer G.: Old Man, The
Mathis, I. C.: Unchanging Christ, The
Maxey, Duane V.: Adam Clarke Miscellany • Articles of Faith • Captain Thomas Webb • Carradine Bibliography • His Appearing and His Kingdom • Striking the Source • Warm Lake Messages
Maxey, Irl Parker: Cornerstone of Living, The • In Memory of Rev. H. B. Huffman • Man's Ascent to God • Ministerial Ethics & Etiquette • Victorious Christian Living
McBride, Joseph Benjamin: Entire Sanctification • Knowing God (Autobiography)
McCallie, Bertha M.: Out of Deep Sorrow, Miracles
McConnell, Charles A.: Potter's Vessel, The
McDonald, William: Echoes From National Camp Meetings • Saved To The Uttermost
McGraw, Jr., William David: Symbols of the Spirit
McLaughlin, George Asbury: Clean Heart, A • Common Sense In Religion • Inbred Sin • Living Sacrifice, A • Saved and Kept
McLeister, Clara: Life Sketch of Dr. Adam Clarke
McPherson, Anna Talbott: French, H. Robb (Biography)
Miller, Basil: Holiness, - (106) Bible Outlines
Miller, James: Systematic Fasting
Montgomery, J. W.: Christian Certitudes
Morrison, Henry Clay: Commencement Sermons (1913, 1914, 1915) • Confessions of a Backslider, The • Little Sketches and Sermons • Remarkable Conversions, Interesting Incidents, and Striking Illustrations • Some Chapters Of My Life Story
Morrison, Joseph Grant: Achieving Faith • Christian Sabbath, The • Interesting Incidents •  Our Lost Estate • Satan's Subtle Attack on Woman
Multiple Authors: Sketches of P. F. Bresee and W. C. Wilson • Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine, The (March, 1823)
Neely, Benjamin Franklin: On To Perfection
Nielson, John B.: In Christ
Peck, George: Early Methodism Within The Bounds Of The Old Genesee Conference (Sel.) • Life and Times of George Peck, The - Autobiography
Poe, Pearl P.: Power of God in a Redeemed Life, The
Poe, Winfield F.: Jacob's Two Wives • Home, the Divine Institution of God, The • Two Great Doctrines • View The Sabbath • You Hold The Faith of Men in Your Hands
Powell, Fred A.: Singing Pioneer, The (Autobiography)
Price, Ross E.: John Wesley on Pulpit Oratory
Purkiser, Westlake Taylor: Conflicting Concepts of Holiness • Interpreting Christian Holiness • Sanctification and Its Synonyms
Reade, Thaddeus C.: Elder Brother, The
Reed, Louis Archibald: Holiness and the Christian Life
Rees, Seth Cook: Fire From Heaven • Holy War, The
Ridout, George Whitefield: Beauty of Holiness, The • Henry Clay Morrison, Prophet, Warrior, Orator
Roberts, Benjamin Titus: Holiness Teachings
Roberts, T. P.: Highlights of My Life and Ministry
Robinson, Reuban A. (Bud): Bees in Clover • Honey in the Rock • King's Goldmine, The • Moth-eaten Garment, The • My Hospital Experience • My Life's Story • My Sanctification • My Travels in the Holy Land • Religion, Philosophy, and Fun
Ruth, C. W. & Mrs. Laura: Life Sketches
Ruth, Christian Wismer: Entire Sanctification Explained • Entire Sanctification, A Second Blessing •  Second Crisis, The
Sandford, P. P.: Memoirs of Wesley's Missionaries to America
Searles, Wm. McDonald & John E.: Life of John S. Inskip, The
Shaw, S. B.: Echoes of the General Holiness Assembly
Shelhamer, E. E.: Eternal Security • Heart-Searching Talks To Ministers • Progressive Life, The • Sixty Years of Thorns and Roses
Shelhamer, Julia A.: How To Be Healed • Secret of A Happy Married Life • Thrilling Stories
Shepard, William Edward: Wrested Scriptures Made Plain
Simpson, Matthew: Hundred Years of Methodism, A
Smith, Amanda: Autobiography, An
Smith, Bernie: Contemporary Conversions
Smith, Hannah Whitall: Christian's Secret of a Happy Life, The
Smith, Joseph Henry: Things Behind And Things Before The Holiness Movement
Sparks, Asa: Witness To Win
Stalker, Charles Henry: Holy Ghost Messages • Twice Around The World With The Holy Ghost
Stauffer, Joshua: When He Is Come
Steele, Daniel: Gospel of the Comforter, The (abridged) • Milestone Papers
Stevens, Abel: History of the M. E. Church, Vol. I - IV • Life and Times of Nathan Bangs • Women of Methodism, The
Stockton, John: Investments, Here and Hereafter
Strang, C. B.: Meeting Life Situations
Sturtevant, Marilyn Lavy: Orchids on a Waste Hillside
Sweeten, Howard W.: Must We Sin?
Taplin, Harry F.: Inventory of the Soul, An
Taylor, James M.: Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out
Taylor, Richard Shelley: Joy For Dark Days • Right Conception of Sin, The
Terrill, Joseph Goodwin: Life of John Wesley Redfield, The
Tidwell, William Moses: Dressed-Up Sin • Faithfulness of God, The • Last Good-Bye, The (Selections) • Strangers and Pilgrims • Worshipping Defeated Gods
Tipple, Ezra Squier: Freeborn Garrettson (Short Biography)
Underwood, H. K.: God's Plowman - Butler, John A., Bio. (Sel.)
Van Slyke, D. C.: Wail of A Drug Addict, The
Walker, Edward Franklin: Sanctify Them
Watson, George Douglass: Beauty For Ashes
Watson-Carradine-Rees-Robinson-Godbey-Thomas: Six Pioneer Holiness Sermons
Weatherford, Fred M.: Sanctification, The Price of Heaven
Webb, Grace J.: Conversion of Silas & Elizabeth Jones, The
Wesley, John: Blow At The Root, A Dialogue Between An Antinomian And His Friend • Plain Account of Christian Perfection, A
West, Robert A.: Sketches of Wesleyan Preachers
Whedon, D. A.: Entire Sanctification, John Wesley's View
White, John F.: Father's Will, The
White, Stephen Solomon: Five Cardinal Elements of the Doctrine of Entire Sanctification • Eradication • Essential Christian Beliefs
Whittemore, Mrs. E. M.: Delia, The Bluebird of Mulberry Bend
Wilcox, Vernon L.: God's Healing Touch
Williams, Leewin Bell: Emmaus Road, The
Williams, Lewis Milton: Where Art Thou?
Williams, Roy Tilman: Attitudes and Relationships • Life's Supreme Choices • Perfect Man, The •  Temptation - (A Neglected Theme)
Wimberly, Charles F.: Is The Devil a Myth?
Winchester, Olive May: Moses and the Prophets
Wireman, Charles L.: Bulldog Charlie, Kentucky Mountain Outlaw Transformed • Bulldog Charlie and The Devil
Wise, Daniel: Selections From Caughey's Journal
Wiseman, Peter: Scriptural Sanctification
Wolf, Earl C.: My Gold and God
Wood, John Allen: Autobiography • Perfect Love •  Purity and Maturity • Sunset Echoes

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